Must Associations Allow the Installation of Solar Panels?

Must HOAs Allow Solar Panel Installation?

Section 202.010(b) of the Texas Property Code  states that  “a property owners’ association may not include or enforce a provision in a dedicatory instrument that prohibits or restricts a property owner from installing a solar energy device.”  Section 202.010(d) outlines certain exceptions to this rule where an Association may prohibit an owner from installing such […]

New Laws affecting Property Owner Associations

New Laws are Affecting Property Owners Associations

Here is an outline of the new laws affecting Property Owner Associations in Texas in 2019. 1)      Election of Board Members- 209.00591 1) Cohabitation Limitation>– a person may not serve as a board member if they cohabitate in the same primary residence with another board member. Exceptions– a. Association has fewer than 10 residences; b. Association […]